Basically, Pier Giorgio enjoyed all the usual pranks - such as shortsheeting the beds of friends and priests when they would be on retreat. When Pier Giorgio was with friends on trips, he would sometimes wake them with a toy trumpet and take them to very out-of-the-way churches for Mass. His sense of humor was evident at school, as well. Once, during an exam, he arranged for the custodian to deliver a mysterious package to the professor. The package began dripping -- it was full of ice cream!
He was infused with constant joy, a joy that was sometimes explosive, and he surpassed just about everyone with his bottomless bag of noisy pranks. ~ Father Rinaldo Ruffini, S.D.B.
Pier Giorgio and his best friend Marco Beltramo played so many tricks that they became known as the "Fracassi Company." One of their classic pranks is mentioned in a letter Pier Giorgio wrote to his sister Luciana in June of 1924. He had a good friend, Tina Bonelli, who had persuaded her parents to allow her to travel to England. She received permission because she would be traveling in the company of an elegant lady named Mrs. Bellia. Pier Giorgio accompanied Tina to the train station and made a loud racket so that he got everyone's attention and then presented Tina with a box of candies. What she didn't realize was that Pier Giorgio and Marco had tied all of the candies together; so when she later offered one to Mrs. Bellia, they came out of the package in a long chain. Pier Giorgio knew this would embarass Tina which is why he enjoyed it so much.
"I don’t know if Tina will have told you how the candies that Beltramo and I gave her were sewn together one attached to the other."
According to Pier Giorgio's sister, he wasn’t satisfied to simply have played this trick: he also wanted to know how it turned out and what everyone’s reaction was; he wanted to enjoy the whole thing.
His friends enjoyed playing pranks on him in return. Earlier that year, in April, Tina Bonelli conspired with her friends to arrange a big lunch in the hills of Turin. They took Pier Giorgio by car and left him there with a basket of what he thought was going to be great food. Instead, it was firewood and a darning egg and a bib with the words “Buon appetito” on it! The constant playing of jokes on one another was a big part of the group of friends he formed under the title "Tipi Loschi."